Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My beautiful chaotic life ... what better way to describe the last 2 + years. Will the blog ever be updated? That is the question...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hijacking a great blog!

My "Encouragement for Today" from Proverbs 31 Ministries was written by a talented woman named Renee Swope. Well her message led me to connect with her blog, Journey of My Heart and I am so glad that I took the time to link to it. So, naturally I couldn't pass up a chance to pass it along. Creating Spiritual Connections with Our Kids

I also wantedto have it for myself in a permanent place (my blog) or it would get lost in my other gazillion pages I have bookmarked!! In Renee's blog, she writes about ways to connect spiritually with your kids, among other things

Friday, February 27, 2009

The JOYS of reading and having the wind as your friend

Okay so Andrew doesn’t necessarily have the greatest time at the library during preschool story hour. He really does try, but he can’t decide where to sit and he’s always distracted because there are so many kids. And sometimes the bossy girl tells him to “moooove back” and he definitely does not like to be bossed around. But he sure does love being read to at home. When mommy agrees to read some books and spend time in daddy’s big recliner doing it, it’s like the greatest thing since sliced bread. It truly is a delight to witness his enthusiasm and see him jump up and down over a book. To hear is little voice exclaim “We’re going to read a book--WOOHOO--YAY”, well this is the cutest thing ever.

Andrew has finally has settled in to being read to!! “WOOHOO--YAY!” exclaimed mommy. I have been trying and daddy has been trying and Granny has been trying… but it was always very complicated to keep him interested and/or keep him from ripping the pages. Not exactly the most enjoyable activity to do with a bubbly, rambunctious 3 year old. So this makes me very happy that he has finally taken a liking to it. Especially since I am trying to integrate some books that could help with his speech therapy as well as providing pure entertainment.

As far as the joy of having the wind as your friend, this came straight from Andrew’s mouth. “Mommy the wind is my friend.” One day he was outside playing on a particularly breezy day and came running in to tell me this. I was emptying the dishwasher and paused to find out what all the excitement was about. It was too cute to hear him describe it. He convinced me to come outside to feel the wind blowing and to twirl around our back yard. He paused to ask if I could hear the wind? We talked about how we could hear the windchimes and the trees move about. It was a moment to treasure. (And a story that I need to remember when he’s off doing something he’s not supposed to, getting into trouble or fighting with his older brother)

This was one of those stories I’ve been meaning to share, but hadn’t gotten around to it yet. It was so nice to pause for a moment with my son, to listen and really see the world around us. These days I often feel disconnected from the world. I suppose partly because I don’t view the world as a child does. Andrew reminded me that day that I need to do that more often and remember that the wind is my friend.
